Register and Subscribe a RHEL System ease using Red Hat Subscription-Manager – Easy Guild

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a popular enterprise-level Linux operating system that is used by many organizations around the world. To get the most out of RHEL, it’s important to register your system with the Red Hat Customer Portal. This will give you access to the latest updates, security patches, and other benefits that are only available to registered users.

Here’s how to register and subscribe a RHEL system to the Red Hat Customer Portal using the Red Hat Subscription-Manager.

Install Red Hat Subscription-Manager

Install Red Hat Subscription-Manager: The first step is to install the Red Hat Subscription-Manager. This tool allows you to manage your Red Hat subscriptions and products, including registering your RHEL system. You can install the Subscription-Manager by running the following command:

dnf install subscription-manager

Register the System: Once the Subscription-Manager is installed, you can register your system with the Red Hat Customer Portal by running the following command:

subscription-manager register

Verify Registration: After registering the system, you can verify the registration by running the following command:

subscription-manager identity

Attach a Subscription: To get access to the latest updates, security patches, and other benefits, you need to attach a subscription to your system. You can do this by running the following command:

subscription-manager attach --auto

Enable Required Repositories: To ensure that you have access to the latest updates and security patches, you need to enable the required repositories. You can do this by running the following command:

subscription-manager repos --list-enabled

Update the System: Finally, you should update your system to get the latest updates and security patches. You can do this by running the following command:

dnf update

By following these steps, you can register and subscribe your RHEL system to the Red Hat Customer Portal using the Red Hat Subscription-Manager. This will give you access to the latest updates, security patches, and other benefits that are only available to registered users. It’s a straightforward process that will help keep your RHEL system secure and up-to-date.

31 January 2023

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